
Lattice-Topped Apple Pie with All-Butter Pie Crust
Using fresh Ground Up flour (either All Purpose or Pastry) will elevate your pie game to a whole new level of flaky flavor.
Sunflower Honey Sandwich Bread
With some basic bread making knowledge, you can make a good sandwich loaf while using a mix of Ground Up Bread and All-Purpose Flours.
German-Style Pretzels
Ready for your next baking project?  Then give these German style pretzels that use Ground Up Bread Flour and Diastatic Malt Powder a try!
Barley Bucatini (or any shape pasta!)
If you've ever thought of making pasta, and have access to a pasta press, this recipe that uses a mix of Ground Up Organic Bolted Barley and All-Purpose Flour is for you.
3-ingredient Chapati  (Traditional Indian Flatbread)
An at-home flatbread can be a very real possibility with this recipe that uses Ground Up Whole Wheat Flour
A hearty quick bread using Gound Up All-Purpose Flour.